14 November 2012

Staff Nurse Louelle Trespico, Sister Narcissa Aquino and later Staff Nurse Maheswari kept shooing me off when im visiting IMH

9 Nov 2012, Fri 5:11pm Ward 34A
I just went to the ward to pass my friends still in the ward a packet of chips and to try and Say Hi to them. The staff, Staff Nurse Louelle Trespico, Sister Narcissa Aquino and later Staff Nurse Maheswari was very unfriendly towards me. Staff Nurse Louelle kept shooing off, "Oi you go home la" then gesturing me out. But i said i JUST WANNA SAY HI to Joanne, my friend! No doubt, i can't go INTO the ward, the visitor's area, but at least, they didn't even MAKE an effort to call for my friend, who is a patient in ward 34A now, to come to the glass panel and I could wave to her. Now i know staying in the ward is a terrible feeling. It is ego destructive. And one simple wave of friendly gesture can lift their spirits and make them happy. And why can't the staff of IMH do that? I am very disappointed and irritated by them. Moreover I want to do a complain about Staff Nurse Ma-H or Maheswari, she was having a stern, strict, unfriendly tone saying "Louelle, is she discharged? Why is she here?" So ex patients can't even say a simple hi to their ex patients' friends? What ridiculous service and absurd attitude! I want to complain!  talk to Staff Nurse Louelle, Nurse Clinician Narcissa and Staff Nurse Maheswari. Gen 83350564, email gemmindown@hotmail.com . 

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