22 January 2013

It’s a great SIN to keep well and healthy patients in the mental hospital

It’s a great SIN to keep well and healthy patients in the mental hospital
12/8/2012 Sunday 6:17pm
You know, it’s a great SIN to keep well and healthy patients in the mental hospital when beds are occupied while it should be given to other patients and people who need it more than I do. Occupying a bed for Five months without a relapse? Not absolutely ridiculously absurd! And to think there’s such a case where patients can stay Five months in the hospital is really a bad reflection of the professionalism of IMH. This thing really shouldn’t exist but I have to bear the brunt of it. What absurd!
                Btw, I’ve heard they call some of us ‘lodgers’ and that’s the term for us people who have to stay in IMH for very long. To think there is even a name for some of us stuck here means the system of keeping patients enclosed is hard-wired! BREAK THIS!

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